Murray State University has awarded Michael Gray of the Owensboro Innovation Academy with the prestigious Presidential Fellowship scholarship, which includes full tuition, housing and meals for up to four years at the University.
Students selected for the Presidential Fellowship scholarship complete a rigorous multi-step application process that includes multiple in-person interviews. During their time at Murray State, recipients of the scholarship are responsible for conducting extensive research projects and serving as leaders in the campus community.
“Our presidential fellows are all outstanding academic achievers, but they are also selected based on their demonstrated leadership potential and involvement in their communities,” said Dr. Warren Edminster, executive director of the Honors College.
“Presidential fellows engage in undergraduate research under the guidance of a faculty mentor and frequently publish their work before leaving Murray State,” Edminster added. “Besides excelling in research, presidential fellows invariably take leadership roles in student groups, ranging from the Student Government Association to Greek organizations.”
Incoming first-year students who have a 28 ACT composite score minimum (or 1250 SAT verbal and math combined score minimum), along with a 3.7 GPA on 4.0 scale, are eligible to apply for the Presidential Fellowship scholarship. For more information on the University’s Honors College, please visit
Michael Gray is the second student from Owensboro Public Schools to receive this award. His sister, Katie Gray, a former student at the Owensboro Innovation Academy, was presented with the award in 2021.