Apply Online

Any incoming student interested in attending the Owensboro Innovation Middle School (iMiddle) will need to submit an online application via Google Forms. Current students do not need to fill out an application.

This information will provide staff with the necessary tools to prepare for the upcoming school year and determine if the school will be a good fit for your child. There are no prerequisites to apply. All who are interested are encouraged to do so.  However, please remember that working with others is a large part of how students learn at iMiddle.  Students who are unwilling or unable to work with others will struggle more than their peers.

There will be two Parent Information Nights that families can sign up for at the link below. One will be for Sutton and Foust families and the other will be for Cravens, Estes, and Newton Parrish families.

Deadline for application submission is March 15, 2024. If you missed the deadline and are interested in your child attending iMiddle, please visit the school and speak to an administrator. Acceptance letters will be sent out before Spring Break.